Dougal Ferguson

Dougal Ferguson

Postgraduate Research Student 

BSc Accounting, Business Finance and Management, 2018

MSc Statistics and Computational Finance, 2019 

Ph.D Candidate – Advanced Functional Materials and Analytical Science

Dougal Ferguson completed both of his degrees at the University of York, graduating with both First-Class Honours and with Distinction respectively. Dougal’s Masters project involved utilising a simulation study to analyse the effectiveness of the Goldilocks Bayesian Sample Size Re-estimation method applied to both binary and survival endpoints in stage II or III randomised, parallel group, two armed clinical trials.

Dougal is now conducting postgraduate research within the Gardner lab, working towards his PhD in collaboration with the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), and Syngenta. His project aims to develop machine learning algorithms with the purpose of detection and prediction of test article related hepatic findings within rat and mouse organs (livers and kidneys specifically) through the use of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). His project is being supervised by Prof. Peter Gardner, Dr. Alex Henderson, and Dr. Jonathan Shapiro.


Open Access
Infrared micro-spectroscopy coupled with multivariate and machine learning techniques for cancer classification in tissue: a comparison of classification method, performance, and pre-processing technique
Dougal Ferguson, Alex Henderson, Elizabeth F. McInnes, Rob Lind, Jan Wildenhain and Peter Gardner
Analyst (2022)